NEH Funding Opportunities

NEH offers a variety of grant programs to individuals and organizations that do the highest quality work to promote the humanities. 

48 Result(s)
Deadline 1/8/25

Media Projects

Output: Film/TV/Video; Online Video; Podcast; Radio Broadcast
Deadline 1/10/25

Digital Humanities Advancement Grants

Output: Article; Digital Infrastructure; Digital Resource or Publication; Report; Software; Teaching Resources; Workshop
Deadline 1/10/25

Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections

Output: Improved conditions for collection storage and display; Improved systems and resilience for collections; Reduced energy usage and costs; In-depth preservation studies and plans
Deadline 1/10/25

Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions

Output: Format Surveys and Inventories; Preservation and Collections Care Policies; Preservation Assessment Reports; Preservation Supplies/Equipment; Preservation and Collections Care Workshops
Deadline 2/3/25

Awards for Faculty Institutional Support – HBCUs and TCUs

Output: The hiring of replacement instructors to teach specific humanities courses; stipends for faculty or staff (other than the Awards for Faculty fellow) for additional teaching or administrative responsibilities during the period of performance; the hiring of replacement staff for administrative duties in support of the humanities (such as undergraduate advising or chairing of a department).  
Deadline 4/9/25

Awards for Faculty at Tribal Colleges and Universities

Output: Research related to tribal or institutional priorities, goals, or interests; Development of materials in support of sustaining, preserving, and revitalizing culture or language; Research leading to the improvement of a single existing undergraduate or graduate course; Development of a humanities seminar for students at the affiliated institution and/or members of the local community; Digital Resource or Publication; Edition; Translation
Deadline 4/9/25

Awards for Faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Output: Article; Research leading to improvement of existing undergraduate course; Research related to goals and interests of the institution or community; Book; Digital Resource or Publication; Edition; Other Scholarly Resource; Translation
Next deadline (anticipated) 5/20/25

Preservation and Access Education and Training

Output: Preservation and Access Workshops; Preservation Courses or Curricular Materials; Conservation Graduate Programs; Residencies, Apprenticeships, Internships, or Mentorships
Next deadline (anticipated) 5/20/25

Cultural and Community Resilience

Output: Oral History Collections; Digital Surrogate or Born Digital Collections; Physical Archival Collections; Memoranda of Understanding; Shared Stewardship Agreements; Collection Data Sustainability Plans; Plans for Community Documentation