Funding Opportunity for


Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Maximum award amount

Up to $565,000 ($385,000 in outright funds plus $180,000 in Federal Matching Funds)

Expected Output


Period of performance

Up to 42 months

Applicants to NEH for awards with expected issuance dates on or after October 1, 2024, should be aware of revisions to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200) effective from that date. All NEH awards issued on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the revised regulations. You may incorporate these changes into your applications now.

Additional information is available at

The Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions (FPIRI) program supports institutions that provide fellowships for advanced humanities research in the U.S. and abroad, foster communities of intellectual exchange among participating scholars, and provide access to resources that might otherwise not be available to the participating scholars. 

Fellowship programs may be administered by independent centers for advanced study, libraries, and museums in the U.S.; American overseas research centers; and American organizations that have expertise in promoting humanities research in foreign countries. Individual scholars apply directly to the institutions for fellowships. 

In evaluating applications, consideration is given to the library holdings, archives, special collections, and other resources—either on site or nearby—that institutions make available to fellows. 

FPIRI fellowship tenure must be continuous and last from four to twelve months. Residential fellows are expected to be in residence during their entire tenure period and to work on their projects on a full-time basis. Likewise, nonresidential NEH-funded fellows are expected to work on their projects on a full-time basis. If a fellow is obliged through special circumstances to depart before the end of the tenure period, he/she shall receive a prorated stipend.

Examples of Projects Funded by this Grant Program


Application Instructions