
Storming Caesars Palace

Division of Public Programs

Black and white image of the march on The Strip with Ruby Duncan highlighted in color.
Photo caption

Storming Caesars Palace

 Directed by Hazel Gurland-Pooler, Storming Caesars Palace tells the story of 1960s and 1970s Black feminist activist Ruby Duncan. Duncan united “Mother Power,” a group that marched the Strip in Las Vegas to fight for welfare rights. Duncan’s work advocating for welfare rights in Las Vegas led to her creation of the Nevada Welfare Rights Organization. The march of 6000 welfare mothers and allies garnered national attention and resulted in the reinstatement of mothers who had been removed from the welfare program. 

Storming Caesars Palace was selected for the Shine Award at the Blackstar Film Festival in 2022 and can be accessed at PBS. The film is based on Annelise Orleck’s book, Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty.