2021 Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities - Start Preparing those Applications to Direct an Institute

Time to sharpen your virtual pencils. We are pleased to announce that the application materials for the 2021 Institutes for Advancement Topics in the Digital Humanities (IATDH) competition are now available for the March 2, 2021 deadline.
If you have ever considered directing one of these professional development opportunities to share your expertise and build a community, now is the time to apply. You have plenty time to assemble your application before the March 2, 2021 deadline and NEH staff are available to answer your questions.
Take some time to review the updated Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), as there are a few updates to the application components.
The narrative includes new questions for applicants to address, such as describing more fully the publicity plans for recruiting participants and providing additional details for risk assessment and risk mitigation.
This program is now requiring the Research and Related Budget Form and an attached budget justification. The Research and Related Budget is available in the Grants.gov application package. Budgets in other formats will not be accepted.
Helpful Reminders
Please remember everything counts when completing a grant application.
Applications will be declared ineligible for review if they do not include all required sections and components.
Follow all “musts” outlined in the NOFO, especially page limits. Just as you might check for spelling and grammar, check the formatting of all PDFs before final submission.
If the new budget form and instructions are new to you this year, spend some familiarizing yourself with the format.
And give yourself some extra time in case PDFs aren’t compiled correctly, or if paragraphs drift onto extra pages.
Application Resources & Drafts
ODH has prepared a number of resources to help applicants write strong proposals. Please be sure to take some time to read these posts and guides as you think about your next project:
What Grant Program Fits My Digital Project?
Sample Application Narratives from Previous Competitions (under Step 1 of the program resource page)
A blog post series on planning your DH Institute, updated for the 2021 competition, will be posted in mid-November.
A pre-recorded webinar and slide deck that will be posted no later than December 15, 2020.
To get feedback on an application draft, send it as an attachment to @email by January 19, 2021, for the March 2, 2021 deadline.
As always, when you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the ODH, @email, we are here to help.